Window Replacement 50/50 Application

History of the 50/50 Window Replacement Program:

The 50/50 Window Replacement Program was instituted in 1995 to promote the replacement of decayed windows which threaten the integrity of the building. Water allowed to penetrate the envelope can cause damage to the brickwork, steel lintels or elements of units located below. The program paid 50% of the cost of the windows and installation.

Eligible for the program were only the windows in the 1220-1232 building facing west, facing the alley and facing the central gangway. In the 1206-1218 building, the windows facing east, facing the alley and facing the central gangway in the were eligible.

The west facing windows of 1226-1232 were given first priority because they were in the worst condition. The east facing windows were allowed to participate after there were no more takers on the west facade. Later, the Board mandated that the remainder of the west windows be done in order to protect the structure.

The gangway and alley facing windows were included after the west and east facades were substantially completed.

In recent years, owners with critically decayed windows facing the gangway were required to participate under the 50/50 program. One owner required a Board approved payment plan spread over time in order to afford the cost.

The Courtyard windows were not included in the 50/50 Program because the feeling was that if courtyard windows were made eligible, owners would replace them here and there creating a hodge-podge effect. Later, the Board voted to allow owners to replace courtyard facing windows at their own expense.

Reestablishment Of the 50/50 Window Replacement Program:

The current Board felt that since the owners of previously qualified windows have contributed to the cost of replacing qualified windows, the plan should continue to be available until all qualified windows are replaced.

To this end, the Board voted to reestablish the 50/50 Window Replacement Program. The eligibility will remain as originally determined. Priority of replacement will determined by the condition of the windows. The windows in the worst condition will be given priority. The Board may mandate that severely compromised windows be replaced even if the owner does not apply for the program, since the integrity of the structure is paramount. The current budget approved $5000 for the program in 2017.

50/50 Window Replacement Program Enrollment:

The unit owner will submit a copy of the attached form requesting participation in the program. Along with the form, a photo of the window taken from the inside must be included.

The application will be assigned an identification number without the unit owner’s name or address to insure fairness of consideration.

The Board will examine both the exterior and the interior photographs compile a list based on condition. Owners will be notified of acceptance.

Those not accepted for participation will be automatically eligible for the program under next year’s budget.

Window Replacement 50/50 Application
Maximum upload size: 516MB
If you have any trouble uploading your photos, they may be emailed to or mailed to First Community Management, Attn: Jarvis on the Lake, 935 W. Chestnut Street, Suite 201, Chicago, Illinois 60642.